DGAC - BBP Relationship

Just as the US has the FAA, Mexico has the DGAC.  Although they do not control the airspace, the DGAC is in control of the issuance of licenses, flight plans, safety, as well as enforces the rules and regulations for general aviation in Mexico.
At the head of this department is the Director General of the DGAC who’s offices are in Mexico City. 
Starting in the year 2000, the BBP has traveled to Mexico City to meet with persons from the DGAC and the Mexican Senate to work on many issues. 
During that period of time and with the BBP sitting on the Senatorial Committee titled the "Simplification for Private Aviation" chaired by Senator Alejandro Gutierrez Gutierrez from the State of Coahuila, the following changes were made and implemented:
* That piston aircraft could enter Mexico at any International Airport rather then be limited to specific airports on the northern border and specific airports on the southern borders of Mexico.
* That foreign aircraft could purchase on an annual basis a letter to import their aircraft into Mexico i.e. the Multi Entry Authorization.
* That you could change passengers, including entering and departing Mexico
* That a US licensed A&P could work on a US registered aircraft without the presence of a Mexican A&P
* That Mexico provide credit card terminals at all International terminals for the purchase of fuel, landing and parking fees, etc.
* That foreign aircraft were no longer required to purchase liability insurance from a Mexican insurance agent as long as the foreign aircraft’s insurance territory included Mexico.
* That Mexico create a five year license for airports/airstrips
* That Mexico repeal of the TUA tax for non-commercial aircraft
* That Mexico require a “one window” payment procedure at all International airports for the purchase of fuel, landing, parking, etc.
There is more work that needs to be done at the Senatorial and DGAC level in Mexico City.  Your tax deductable donations will allow the BBP to continue to work to make it less expensive, safer, and more enjoyable to fly into and throughout Mexico.  
Click here to make a donation


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